Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Blog 5

Tell how to do something, step by step, at which you are clearly an expert.


mel said...

How to compose Beats

In order to compose beats or a beat, first you must purchase a beat maker. I prefer the

2500 masters beat maker. It will cost you from 1,200 to 2,000 dollars. Next you will need

to find a place where you won’t bother anyone. Getting back to composing beats, the first

step is finding you special sound or sample a song of your choice. After selecting your

special sound, you then will need to lay down a seek tone. In order to lay a seek tone you

must find a speed that will fit your special sound. If working with the 2500 masters, the

way you lay down the rhythm is holding shift and pass the numbering pad. Next, you will

go to the main programming to process the drum track. You might want to let the sample

play until you find the right drum tract to match your sample. After playing around with

the drum tract, you need to press record and play, to process your beat. After following

these steps you will see your plain coming together. As your beat is coming together, you

then might want to add some finishing touches to bring the beat alive like adding high

hats, low hats, horns, ect…… or want ever you feel that will give you beat life. The

finishing touch comes when you sequence out the whole tract. This process is the easiest

step of all. You need to go the window control and press the sequence pad. There you

have it a finished composed beat. Now, you can only receive the big dog title if you out

do me in making beats but it will never happen. You can hear some of my work on

upcoming artist like B-nice out of the SC, N.O.V.A. fresh out of the NY, the under

ground kidz also from NY, and many more. You can here the sounds on Sin City’s

album coming in late February.

neima said...
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Kristian Morgan said...

The Best Cole Slaw

The first thing you need to have with you is, cabbage and carrots.
When you get those, you then get a knife.
Cut the cabbage in half and then start cutting it small.
You must follow the circular direction that the cabbage is in.
Try not to cut it two big.
You want to make sure that you cut the cabbage as small as you possibly can.
The smaller the cabbage is cut, the better it taste.
When you get done cutting the cabbage, you get a greater, then you shred the carrots on the greater.
When you are finish cutting up the cabbage and greatening the carrot, you get the finishing products.
You will need mayonnaise, sugar, and vinegar.
Add about two to three spoon full of mayonnaise.
Then you add about two spoons full of sugar, or less.
It depends on how sweet you want your Cole slaw.
Then you ad just a little bit of vinegar, to give it a little flavor.
Then you stir it all up.
That’s how you make the best Cole slaw.

neima said...

Bermuda Within

As I lay down towards the sandy beach, my eyes stared straight

Up to the ocean blue skies as the wind whispered in my ear. The

Vibrating sounds made me feel titillated and bulging within. As

Beautiful as she looked, Alana laid on top of me her

eyes where purer than the Virgin Island waters. Than I pierce her

Zone of her surface that

Connected me to her soul as I glaze at the structure of Bermuda

Within. My man-hood

Strengthen as the slightest touch of her skin rubs up against

Mines. She feels softer than

A newborn child. My mind tempted to loose control as my heart

leaps from the present

To the unknown. My favorite place to be. Minute’s go by and the

hours or creeping on

The climate of Bermuda reaches its apex. Peace!

jessica0720 said...

How to Properly Fold Your Cloths

Well I work at a clothing store so I figure I ought to be and expert at folding clothes, plus I really did not know what to do this paper on.
How to perfectly fold your cloths is not something that many people care about, because lest face it folding cloths is not all that fun. First you need to wash in dry your cloths so that they are clean (it really wouldn’t make any since to fold dirty cloths now would it).
Place your shirt flat with the front down on a folding table, floor, etc. Fold the sleeves inward, but don’t bring them in to far that you fold your sides in that is the next step. After folding the sleeves in, fold both sides in to the middle. Once you have the sides folded to the middle you will take the bottom of the shirt and fold it upwards so that the bottom of the shirt touches the shoulders of the shirt. Then pinch the shoulders so that the fold does not come undone, and then flip your shirt over. Now you have a professionally folded shirt.
Now folding pants is a little bit easier. Hold your pants out facing the way that they would be as if you were getting ready to put them on. Make sure that all of the folds are gone from the bottom of your pants. Keeping your pants facing the same way fold them in half, making sure the both sides are equally aligned. Lay the pants flat on a folding table or floor so that the crouch is sticking out to your left. Fold up the bottom on the pants to the middle of the crouch area. Now fold the crouch inward. Then fold the bottom of the pants up just below the pocket (if no pocket just guess about where it should be), then fold the bottom up once more. Time to flip it over and see the finished product. Pants now look as good as your shirt does. Now you can get hired at a clothing store and not need any training. Go folding.

LB said...

The key to having a great personality
Having a great personality is the key to living your life the perfect way you want and being happy. Its really easy but you have to be very focused on what to do. First things first you have to learn how to make yourself smile, if you can make yourself smile then you can make others Smile, have a sense of humor. You can’t be a shy person. You have to learn how to talk to people first and not always be the second or third to speak. Have a great attitude, no matter the situation. Life is filled with ups and downs. Get
Involved in a lot of activities, its good people skills. Be helpful. There are a lot of people in the world who needs help. Offer to help them instead of them asking you. You have to be understanding. Not only with other people you have to understand yourself as well. Love yourself; because you cant love anybody until you love yourself. Don’t forget to smile. A lot of people who have great personalities have been through a lot of things. They have also learned how to cope with these things down the road to life. Nobody is perfect. Love yourself, and love life. Be cool and laid back. Don’t always be so up tight with everything you do. Relax and chill. Just be cool.

GO Redskins said...

How to place an order in Navy Supply System

In order to submit an order through the Navy Supply System, first you must research the product. To do so the customer verifies the item through the Federal Logistic Catalog known as (FEDLOG). In FEDLOG there are verifying the part number and serial number. Once you have that done now you write down the National Stock Number also known as (NSN). Now that you have the NSN, next step is to open and Job Serial Number known as (JSN). JSN is use for the customer tracking log; it lets them know what is on order and pending. Your next step is to submit your request through the operating ordering system. Most commands use Relational Supply better know as R-supply. After submitting the require fields; the request goes through an approval sequence. Once approval, the request goes to the storekeepers for a final review before the item is ever issue or referral to an off station site. That’s how you place an order through the Navy Supply System.

Reg said...

Five Tips on Parenting

I don’t claim to be an expert on the subject but I do have a totally 17 years of experict as a parent. I like to think, I might be able to help some of the newbie and soon to be out. To make life a little easer.
Let’s take from the top. These are the five basic things to remember:
1. Love: Always tell your child how much they mean to you and how proud they make you. Take time to do the little things with them cause that is what they well always treasure the most.
2. Respect & Fear: Believe it or not with kids this go hand and hand. I’m not saying to terrify them to make them understand if they cross a line then there is a price to pay. Don’t let the kids run you. You are the one paying the bills the only choice the kids have is do what there told or caught a belt.
3. Trust: is the best way to have a great relation with child. Is they feel they can come to you when time are good then they well come when times are rough. Build the trust with them and explain how in important it is to maintains.
4. Promise: to kids are very important causes if you say it you have better believe they expect it to happen. If it doesn’t they start not to trust you. So keep your word.
5. Displane: Is and important tool when use the correct way. Kids look for it and need it. Believe it or not that’s when they know you care.
The most important thing of all to remember is that you are their PARENTS AND NOT THEIR FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!